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Stalls for 2025 are open

We have a large market area and a variety of options for trading at our show. There are weekend pitches, vintage day trader pitches, food pitches and auto-jumble pitches. We are careful about who we book and try to avoid too much duplication of goods. Our standard pitch sizes are 6m deep with a width of 6, 12, or 18m. Catering is carefully managed and most of our traders tend to return each year.

A great selection of stalls came to the 2024 event, including:
A&J Sweets
Beaming faces
Bespoke Integrations
CMC Reimo
Custom Transporters
Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance
Dub Wife
In Vintage Crafts
JA Welding

Lee Dagger
Mystic Moon Sisters
Nightmare Cutomz
Pilgrim's fairtrade
Pin it and pray
Random Collectables
Redcote Leisure
Sea View stickers
Secret Scavenger
Streaky Draws
Surf Shack
Sutton Landrover Service
That's so me
The Dip Shop
The Glue People
The Poi bus
Tiff's resin
VW keyman
Watcher Designs
Whites printing emporium
Wilde Life Camper
Witches fudge

09:00-14:00 – Stalls  set up
13:00 – Gates open

23:00 - Last entry

Midnight - Close


07:00-09:00 – Set up / restocking
09:00 - Gates Open 

23:00 - Last entry

Midnight - Close


07:00-09:00 – Set up / restocking

09:00 - Gates Open

17:00 - Last Entry

21:00 - Close

The main market of the event - stalls can be open from Friday afternoon until close on Sunday.

VW memorabilia, parts, clothing, art outdoor lifestyle, camping. Power is available as an extra when booking, or can be added later using the links below (no generators allowed). 2 event passes included with the stall booking and space to camp.

We can make arrangements to supply your stand with power - there is an additional fee for this depending on your requirements.

6m deep

6, 12, or 18m wide


Not for catering (these are booked as food stalls: see below) and no alcohol sales are allowed.

Stall Type

Saturday is Vintage Day at Vdub at the Pub and we have always attracted a strong collection of vintage stalls.

Stalls get to set up next to the main market and can trade from Friday through Sunday.

Vintage clothing, music, home wares, art and collectibles.

We can make arrangements to supply your stand with power - there is an additional fee for this depending on your requirements.

6m deep

6, 12, or 18m wide

FOOD TRADING (from £500)

We carefully select traders to ensure we do not duplicate the type of food offer at the show. Many of the traders return each year but we do get a few opportunities to introduce new ones. We expect our traders to have a real zest for what they do, have a great menu and reasonable prices. Your food should be served in sustainable containers and you should consider vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options for your menu. Your catering unit must be registered with a local authority.

If your outlet requires electrical power, we can make arrangements to supply you - there is an additional fee for this depending on your requirements. No generators are permitted.


This form must be completed and submitted for an enquiry regarding a stall that is selling takeaway food ready to eat. Download and complete the form and send it to us at


If your application is successful, we issue an invoice, please pay via bank transfer

Send Enquiry
Details & Terms



Permission – Only confirmed stalls who have paid the agreed fee will be permitted to access and trade at the event. The organisers reserve the right to shut down and stalls who do not have trading permission or who are trading in any way that does not comply with the agreed booking (e.g. agreed product range on sale, banned/counterfeit products or late arrivals). Payment of a pitch fee from a trader does not imply a confirmed stall, we reserve the right to turn down your application and return your fee.


Space allocation – All vehicles, trading items and personal items belonging to a trader must be confined within the space allocated. Please book the minimum area that will be required. Any belongings that fall outside of the allocated area will be returned or removed if applicable.


Trading passes – Only members with trader passes will be permitted to work on a stall.

Additional trader passes can be purchased here if required.


Animals – Friendly dogs are allowed in the event only if they are kept on a lead at all times and you clear up after them. Food stalls must not have dogs on them. Dogs must always be on a lead. There are no exceptions to this rule, no ‘he never runs off’ or ‘she’ll stay close to the van’ excuses etc – the event takes place on a farm with sheep in neighboring fields.

Litter – Litter generated from and 6m around stalls must be cleared, bagged and disposed of appropriately. The area around your stall must be kept free of litter. All of your packaging must be biodegradable or readily recyclable.


Fire – All trade stalls must have a full, working fire extinguisher in the stall area. This will be checked by organisers before trading can commence. Please note that bonfires are not permitted on any part of the site.


Noise and conduct – Please be respectful to members of the public and staff with respect to conduct and noise levels; noise levels should be kept to a minimum, especially during the night. If you are asked by the event managers to stop any music or noise please do so immediately. Stall holders should not be drinking alcohol whilst they are managing their stalls.


Insurance – All stalls permitted to trade must have provided the organisers with a copy of their public liability insurance, that must cover the entirety of their stall for the duration of the event. Schemes are generally available for under £100 per year for stall traders.


Risk Assessment – All stalls permitted to trade must have produced a risk assessment that must cover the entirety of their stall for the duration of the event. This will be checked by the organisers before trading can commence. If you employ 5 or fewer people the law may not require you to have a written risk assessment – however we do as it is part of our safety management for the event (and the HSE advise it is good practice irrespective of the law). Risk assessments do not need to be complex, should take into account Fire risk assessment. If you are unsure we advise you to have a look here for some straight forward advice:


Selling restrictions – We do not permit trading of dangerous or offensive products as deemed unsuitable by the organisers (such as drugs, knives or products displaying offensive images or language).


Electricity – All electrical items must be securely out of reach from the public and must display a valid PAT certificate. Electrical items that are not waterproof should not be left where they are at risk of getting wet (rain, spillage etc). If you are using an agreed supply from the event organisers you should ensure that you do not exceed the capacity of the supply. The organisers will remove the supply if they deem any equipment or the installation unsafe or you exceed the agreed capacity.


Security – Although security is provided at the show, all items belonging to the trader are the trader’s responsibility. The organisers will not accept responsibility for theft, loss or damage to items belonging to the trader.


Gazebos / Tents – All temporary structures must be used for the purpose for which they are designed. These structures must be sound in quality, well anchored and capable of withstanding poor weather (wind and rain). Any structures which are deemed unsuitable will be disassembled. Gazebos will not be provided.

No Refunds – Pitch fees will only be refundable if we cancel the event. If you do not turn up or fail to trade at the event we will not refund the fee. We do not offer refunds in the event of poor weather. If your stall is closed or denied access due to any of the above terms and conditions we will not refund you.